Total B-2 production is 21 aircraft. All of the development aircraft have been be updated to production standard and delivered to the USAF's 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman AFB, Missouri.
After consolidation in the US defence industry during 1993-1998, the following are now the main contractors on the B-2 program:
Prime contractor, integrator, forward fuselage, intermediate fuselage structures, edges and LO systems |
Outer wings, center fuselage, landing gear, rotary weapons launchers, airframe components |
F118 engines |
APQ-181 radar, weapons system trainers, EW system components |
Flight control system, APR-50 DMS, mission computers |
Communications equipment |
Data storage system |
Air data system |
AV-7 to AV-16 were built to Block 10 standard (B-2A-10-NO). This limited the B-2 to carrying 16 B83 free-fall nuclear weapons or Mk84 900kg iron bombs, and restricted its employment to missions of two to three aircraft flown from Whiteman, but with the option of recovering to a friendly base. AV-12 thru AV-16 were upgraded to Block 20 standard in 1996/97.
AV-17 to AV-19 were built to Block 20 standard. This gave the aircraft the ability to carry up to 36 cluster bomb units or 16 900kg JDAM inertially-guided bombs. In parallel with JDAM the GPS-Aided Targetting System (GATS) was installed. Block 20 also allowed for partial low-level terrain following and a deployable mission-planning system to allow multi-aircraft deployments to forward bases.
AV-20 and AV-21 were built to the definitive Block 30 standard. This allowed 80 Mk82 225kg bombs, Mk62 mines or 37 Mk117 340kg fire bombs to be carried. A Milstar satellite communication system was added, and the mission planning system was fully functional.
In November 1995, the first B-2 to arrive at Whiteman (88-0329) returned to Palmdale to be upgraded to Block 30 standard.
While in Air Force service, primary maintenance responsibility for the B-2 is divided between Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center at Tinker AFB for avionics software (contractor); Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill AFB for landing gear and trainers (contractor); and the Northrop-Grumman facility at Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale for periodic depot maintenance.
It appears that no more B-2s will be built. A heavy bomber industrial capabilities study released on July 11th 1995 supported the Department of Defence's position that it was not necessary to preserve the capabilities to build future B-2s.
In May 1996 the Air Force decided to have AV-1 upgraded to operational configuration, thus bringing the operational fleet to 21 aircraft.
(NB aircraft with serials in blue are those I have personally seen).
AV-1 |
82-1066 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Fatal Beauty, Spirit of America |
Rolled out at Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, California on 22 Oct 1988; first flight 17 Jul 1989 from Palmdale to Edwards AFB; operational as test aircraft with 6520th TS / 6510th TW, AFMC, Edwards AFB; unit was redesignated 420th TS / 412th TW on 02 Oct 1992; used for flight envelope expansion, night flights, night refuelings, and RCS-testing; placed in flyable storage at Palmdale in Mar 1993, with 81 sorties flown in 352.6 flight hours; modified to B-2A-30-NO standard and used as an operational aircraft. Was named Spirit of America on 14 Jul 2000. Del to 509th BW the same day. |
AV-2 |
82-1067 |
B-2A-30-NO |
The Ship From Hell, Murphy's Law, Spirit of Arizona |
Nicknames were acquired because anything that could go wrong did; first flight 19 Oct 1990 from Palmdale to Edwards AFB; operational with 6520th TS / 6510th TW; to 420th TS / 412th TW on 02 Oct 1992; heavily instrumented and used for flutter, loads, landing gear and weapons bay door tests; flew 98 sorties in 496.4 flight hours until Dec 1993; the aircraft was to have been used as a development aircraft with some stealth features omitted. Later decision saw the aircraft being updated to Block 30 standard for operational use. Del to 509th BW 07 Dec 1997. 18th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Was named Spirit of Arizona on 20 Mar 1998. Flew Global Power mission to RAF Fairford 10 Mar 1999. Flew 7 missions during Operation Allied Force in 1999. As at 04 Apr 2003 had flown 4 Operation Iraqi Freedom missions. Arr RAF Fairford 11 Aug 2008. |
AV-3 |
82-1068 |
B-2A-30-NO |
The Ghost, Spirit of New York |
First flight 18 Jun 1991 from Palmdale to Edwards AFB. Operational with 6520th TS / 6510th TW (to 420th TS / 412th TW on 02 Oct 1992). First aircraft with complete avionics. Used for radar, navigation, offensive and defensive systems testing: Feb 1993 tested Northrop ZSR-63 defensive avionics suit; Nov 1993 tested Hughes AN/APQ-181 LPI (Low-Probability-of-Intercept) radar. Named Spirit of New York on 10 Oct 1997, but remained at Edwards for testing. It spent most of 2002 being upgraded to Block 30 standard. |
AV-4 |
82-1069 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Christine, Spirit of Indiana |
Nickname was acquired because it seemed possessed; first flight 17 Apr 1992; operational with 6520th TS / 6510th TW; to 420th TS / 412th TW on 02 Oct 1992; used as weapons trials aircraft; released on 03 Sep 1992 first inert 2000 lb Mk84 bomb from 6500m near Edwards AFB; also used for avionics, armament, climatic, and low-observable testing; modified to B-2A-30-NO standard and used as an operational aircraft; named Spirit of Indiana on May 22nd 1999. Del to 509th BW the same day. 20th aircraft delivered. Arrived at RAF Fairford on 23 Jul 1999 to take part in the Royal International Air Tattoo. Returned to Whiteman 25 Jul 1999. |
AV-5 |
82-1070 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Fire and Ice, Spirit of Ohio |
First flight 05 Oct 1992; used for low-observable comparsion with AV-1; to McKinley Climatic Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, for 6 month of environmental tests; modified to B-2A-30-NO standard and used as an operational aircraft. Del to 509th BW on 18 Jul 1997. Named Spirit of Ohio on 18 Jul 1997. 14th operational aircraft. |
AV-6 |
82-1071 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Black Widow, Spirit of Mississippi |
Spent 6 months on ground for Tech Order validation (ie it was taken apart and put back together so that a workshop manual could be written); first flight 02 Feb 1993 from Palmdale to Edwards AFB, lasting about 2 hours; operational with 420th TS / 412th TW; modified to B-2A-30-NO standard for use as an operational aircraft. Delivered to 509th BW on 23 May 1998 and named Spirit of Mississippi the same day. 19th operational aircraft. |
AV-7 |
88-0328 |
B-2A-30-NO |
The Pirate Ship, Spirit of Texas |
Leased back to Northrop for electromagnetic compatibility and emission security trials, completed Aug 1993; Delivered to 509th BW on 31 Aug 1994. Named Spirit of Texas on 24 Sep 1994; 3rd aircraft delivered. Returned to Whiteman as Block 30 in Oct 1998. |
AV-8 |
88-0329 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Missouri |
Delivered and named on 17 Dec 1993; 1st aircraft delivered to 509th BW; this aircraft flew to the Paris Air Show on 10-11th June 1995. Upgraded to Block 30 November 1997. |
AV-9 |
88-0330 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of California |
Delivered 17 Aug 1994; named on 31 Mar 1994; 2nd aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Returned to Whiteman as Block 30 in Jul 1998. |
AV-10 |
88-0331 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of South Carolina |
Delivered 30 Dec 1994; named on 15 Apr 1995; 5th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 30 April 1998. |
AV-11 |
88-0332 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Washington |
Delivered 29 Oct 1994; named on 29 Oct 1994; 4th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. This aircraft performed two flypasts at Farnborough International 1996. Upgraded to Block 30 December 1998. |
AV-12 |
89-0127 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Kansas |
Delivered 17 Feb 1995; named on 13 May 1995; 6th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 20 September 1996. Landed at RAF Fairford during RIAT on 19 Jul 1997. Returned to Whiteman as Block 30 in Dec 1998. Made two flypasts of RAF Cottesmore during RIAT on 28th and 29th July 2001. Crashed at Andersen AFB 23 Feb 2008. Had accumulated 5176 flight hours in 1036 sorties. |
AV-13 |
89-0128 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Nebraska |
Delivered 28 Jun 1995; named on 03 Sep 1995; Upgraded to Block 20 July 1996. Upgraded to Block 30 1999. 7th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Flyby at RAF Fairford/RIAT on a nonstop Global Power mission, 21 Jul 2002. Arr RAF Fairford 11 Aug 2008. |
AV-14 |
89-0129 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Georgia |
Delivered 14 Nov 1995; named on 11 Dec 1995; 8th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 20 May 1997. Upgraded to Block 30 1999. |
AV-15 |
90-0040 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Alaska |
Delivered on 24 Jan 1996; named on 27 Jul 1996; 10th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 20 March 1997. Upgraded to Block 30 2000. Arr RAF Mildenhall 25 May 2000 for Air Fete. Dep Mildenhall 29 May 2000. |
AV-16 |
90-0041 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Hawaii |
Delivered on 10 Jan 1996; named on 27 May 1996; 9th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 20 November 1996. Upgraded to Block 30 September 1999. |
AV-17 |
92-0700 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Florida |
Delivered 03 Jul 1996; named on 23 Oct 1996; 12th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 30 December 1999. Flyby at RAF Fairford/RIAT on a nonstop Global Power mission, 20 Jul 2002. On 19 Jul 2003 it perormed a flyby at RAF Fairford, recovered to Mildenhall, did another flyby on 20 Jul and then returned to Whiteman. |
AV-18 |
93-1085 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Oklahoma |
Delivered 15 May 1996; named on 14 Sep 1996; 11th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Upgraded to Block 30 Jan 2000. |
AV-19 |
93-1086 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Kitty Hawk |
Delivered 30 Aug 1996; named on 16 Dec 1996; 13th aircraft delivered to 509th BW; performed a flypast at RAF Mildenhall Open House on 24 May 1997. Upgraded to Block 30 May 2000. Performed flybys at RAF Fairford 17th/18th July 2004. |
AV-20 |
93-1087 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Pennsylvania |
Delivered 05 Aug 1997; named on 05 Aug 1997; 15th aircraft aircraft delivered to 509th BW. Redelivered to 509th BW on 26 Jan 2010 after PDM at Palmdale. |
AV-21 |
93-1088 |
B-2A-30-NO |
Spirit of Louisiana |
Delivered 10 Nov 1997; named on 10 Nov 1997; 17th aircraft delivered to 509th BW. |
Aircraft in order of delivery to Whiteman AFB
1 |
88-0329 |
AV-8 |
17 Dec 1993 |
17 Dec 1993 |
Missouri |
- |
2 |
88-0330 |
AV-9 |
17 Aug 1994 |
31 Mar 1994 |
California |
- |
3 |
88-0328 |
AV-7 |
31 Aug 1994 |
24 Sep 1994 |
Texas |
- |
4 |
88-0332 |
AV-11 |
29 Oct 1994 |
29 Oct 1994 |
Washington |
- |
5 |
88-0331 |
AV-10 |
30 Dec 1994 |
15 Apr 1995 |
South Carolina |
- |
6 |
89-0127 |
AV-12 |
17 Feb 1995 |
13 May 1995 |
Kansas |
29 Jul 2001 RAF Cottesmore |
7 |
89-0128 |
AV-13 |
28 Jun 1995 |
03 Sep 1995 |
Nebraska |
21 Jul 2002 RAF Fairford |
8 |
89-0129 |
AV-14 |
14 Nov 1995 |
11 Dec 1995 |
Georgia |
- |
9 |
90-0041 |
AV-16 |
10 Jan 1996 |
27 May 1996 |
Hawaii |
- |
10 |
90-0040 |
AV-15 |
24 Jan 1996 |
27 Jul 1996 |
Alaska |
27 May 2000 RAF Mildenhall |
11 |
93-1085 |
AV-18 |
15 May 1996 |
14 Sep 1996 |
Oklahoma |
- |
12 |
92-0700 |
AV-17 |
03 Jul 1996 |
23 Oct 1996 |
Florida |
20 Jul 2003 RAF Fairford |
13 |
93-1086 |
AV-19 |
30 Aug 1996 |
16 Dec 1996 |
Kitty Hawk |
18 Jul 2004 RAF Fairford |
14 |
82-1070 |
AV-5 |
18 Jul 1997 |
18 Jul 1997 |
Ohio |
- |
15 |
93-1087 |
AV-20 |
05 Aug 1997 |
05 Aug 1997 |
Pennsylvania |
- |
16 |
82-1068 |
AV-3 |
10 Oct 1997 |
10 Oct 1997 |
New York |
- |
17 |
93-1088 |
AV-21 |
10 Nov 1997 |
10 Nov 1997 |
Louisiana |
- |
18 |
82-1067 |
AV-2 |
07 Dec 1997 |
20 Mar 1998 |
Arizona |
- |
19 |
82-1071 |
AV-6 |
23 May 1998 |
23 May 1998 |
Mississippi |
22 Oct 1994 Edwards AFB |
20 |
82-1069 |
AV-4 |
22 May 1999 |
22 May 1999 |
Indiana |
25 Jul 1999 RAF Fairford |
21 |
82-1066 |
AV-1 |
14 Jul 2000 |
14 Jul 2000 |
America |
- |
© David Hastings